Thursday, January 19, 2012
Photo Shoot Giveaway!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Today my baby turns 5.
My baby boy is 5.
He. Is. Five.
It doesn’t matter how many times I say this out loud or to myself, it just doesn’t seem to be real. I seriously cannot believe how quickly time has passed. It seems like just yesterday that I was pregnant and waiting to finally meet him.
But the last 5 years have been filled with so many fun, amazing memories. And I couldn’t have asked for a better child! He is smart, funny, witty, caring and sweet.
Man, I just love this kiddo. And I can't wait to get home to celebrate his birthday with him!!
Happy Birthday Caleb!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012
My parenting list
My son's birthday is coming up. And it's his 5th. Over the next year he will start at a new school. He will continue to grow both emotionally & physically and become more mature. He will need me less and try more things on his own.
He is on his way to developing into the man that he eventually will become. Over the past few months I have been carefully watching my baby grow into a little boy. He has strong opinions and loves reading and learning. He is sweet and kind and loving...he is oh so very loving. Hearing his sweet voice from the backseat of the car say out of the blue "mommy, I wuv you." well...that just melts me and makes me want to freeze that moment to replay over and over again. Especially when I'm having a bad day. And I am proud of him...so very, very, proud.
He is on his way to developing into the man that he eventually will become. Over the past few months I have been carefully watching my baby grow into a little boy. He has strong opinions and loves reading and learning. He is sweet and kind and loving...he is oh so very loving. Hearing his sweet voice from the backseat of the car say out of the blue "mommy, I wuv you." well...that just melts me and makes me want to freeze that moment to replay over and over again. Especially when I'm having a bad day. And I am proud of him...so very, very, proud.
Over the last few months, I have found myself writing little notes in my cell phone about things that I want to make sure that my son knows. Things that I want to make sure that he learns about...a list of things that I really believe that if he learns as a child will make him into an absolutely wonderful man when he's an adult. It's not a complete list by any means. And it's not the list that will fit every child. But it consists of things that I believe are important.
1) Getting dirty is ok. It's why god made showers and the washing machine. Plus it's one way that I know that you have had as much fun as possible doing something!
2) Don't be afraid to love or afraid to tell people that you love them. And your father and I hope to hear those words come from you in our direction often.
3) It's alright to show emotion. And it's alright to talk about how you feel. I will do my best to help you learn how to do this. Being a good communicator will help you go a long way when you are an adult. And your future spouse will thank me.
4) Hugging is good—actually it's expected in our home. I know that out in the real world that physical touch is not always acceptable, but when you care about someone one of the best ways to show them is by touch…and hugs are one of the best way to do that.
5) Asking why is always acceptable. And I will always do my best to answer with a "real" answer, not just a "because I say so." When I don't know the answer I will find it, with you right by my side.
6) Don't be afraid to be goofy or silly - There are times that we just need to dance to get the silly's out of our system!! (And I LOVE our dance party Sundays!!)
7) Helping mommy or daddy is always appreciated. It's how you will learn how to do things…like fixing things, building stuff, cooking, laundry and dishes. It's one of the things that will help you to be an amazing man and husband in the future.
8) I will always be your cheerleader. For your wins and your losses. I will keep scrapbooks of your life and show them to your prom date. I will brag about you to my friends and on my blog. I will post photos of you on Facebook and I will be there for you every step of the way…cheering you on in your life.
9) You will lose sometimes and it's not the end of the world. Regardless of what other people say, not everyone is a winner at everything. There will be times when you will lose, but your daddy and I will always be there for you. You won't be alone and we will always figure out how to learn from that loss and what to do better next time. And we will teach you to never give up. Never. Ever. Give. Up.
10) We will travel together and see this beautiful world. Your daddy and I will do our best to give you the chance to explore places, both near and far. We might not get to everywhere we want to, but the places that we will go too will help us to make special memories together. And travelling will open your eyes to what this amazing beautiful world has to offer.
11) Your father and I will always be your home base. We will be a solid rock on which you can always land. We will be there at your sporting events, will come to your class parties, we will be there when you call out for us.
3) It's alright to show emotion. And it's alright to talk about how you feel. I will do my best to help you learn how to do this. Being a good communicator will help you go a long way when you are an adult. And your future spouse will thank me.
4) Hugging is good—actually it's expected in our home. I know that out in the real world that physical touch is not always acceptable, but when you care about someone one of the best ways to show them is by touch…and hugs are one of the best way to do that.
5) Asking why is always acceptable. And I will always do my best to answer with a "real" answer, not just a "because I say so." When I don't know the answer I will find it, with you right by my side.
6) Don't be afraid to be goofy or silly - There are times that we just need to dance to get the silly's out of our system!! (And I LOVE our dance party Sundays!!)
7) Helping mommy or daddy is always appreciated. It's how you will learn how to do things…like fixing things, building stuff, cooking, laundry and dishes. It's one of the things that will help you to be an amazing man and husband in the future.
8) I will always be your cheerleader. For your wins and your losses. I will keep scrapbooks of your life and show them to your prom date. I will brag about you to my friends and on my blog. I will post photos of you on Facebook and I will be there for you every step of the way…cheering you on in your life.
9) You will lose sometimes and it's not the end of the world. Regardless of what other people say, not everyone is a winner at everything. There will be times when you will lose, but your daddy and I will always be there for you. You won't be alone and we will always figure out how to learn from that loss and what to do better next time. And we will teach you to never give up. Never. Ever. Give. Up.
10) We will travel together and see this beautiful world. Your daddy and I will do our best to give you the chance to explore places, both near and far. We might not get to everywhere we want to, but the places that we will go too will help us to make special memories together. And travelling will open your eyes to what this amazing beautiful world has to offer.
11) Your father and I will always be your home base. We will be a solid rock on which you can always land. We will be there at your sporting events, will come to your class parties, we will be there when you call out for us.

Thursday, January 5, 2012
"Love"ly photos!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Project Reconnect 2012
I decided NOT to do a list of New Year resolutions for 2012.
Instead I have created project for myself…Project Reconnect 2012. I decided
that this year I would try my hardest to reconnect with others. Over the past
year between my depression and beginning my own business I have lost touch…lost
touch with friends and family. But most importantly I’ve lost touch with
This year will be about reconnecting with old friends.
Trying to mend fences that were broke down from my lack of attention. Friendships
only work when there are two people to work on them…and I have been lacking in
my attention. I am not close to my family and over the years my friendships
have helped to fill that void for me. But battling depression has made this
difficult. It is like I have been a bear in hibernation…instead of me just
crawling away to sleep though a season, I have been away for almost a year. I
have hidden out and when I do have energy I have given all of that energy to my
new business.
But I need more than just a business to make me feel whole.
I need confidants. I need people that trust me and that I can trust. I need
girlfriends that I can get silly and drunk with. I need friends that accept me
as who I am and love me. But I need to reconnect and put more effort into it if
I expect to be able to get any of these things back into my life.
(I have also been lucky to have a few girlfriends that have stuck with me along the way...the deep dark way that is depression. And I am thankful for them. More than words can even begin to express...without their love, support and friendship I could not have made it through the past year. To you gals I love you more than you could ever know. Thank you for being there for me to cry on your shoulders and thank you for helping to pick me up when I fall.)
I also need to reconnect with myself. I need to take more of
an active role in living my life. I need to work on me. I will do better at
putting myself together more. Taking more pride in my appearance…I truly
believe that looking good will help me to feel good about myself. Over the past
few weeks I have worked on cleaning out my closet and getting rid of my grubby,
slouchy, lounge around clothes. I found myself wearing them day in and day
out…and because I was wearing them it was so much easier to just stay at home
and lounge around. I didn’t want to go out looking like I rolled out of bed, so
it was just another excuse to just stay home and hibernate.
I need to cook more meals at home. Not because I am setting
a goal of loosing weight, but because I LOVE to cook at home. It’s something
that makes me so very happy. I love creating new dishes to share with friends
and neighbors. I love creating delicious sweets that I can bring to work. It is
a way to get me back to being me. But I also think that cooking more meals at
home will also be a great way to get some much-needed family time. Time for my
husband, son and I to sit down together, break bread and talk. Talk and
decompress from the day’s stresses. And we can reconnect.
I also will be reading more. I love to read. I love to
learn. And I have missed it. I love getting lost in a novel…connecting with
characters, letting my imagination get away from me. It is something that I
long to do again and I will. But as I said I also love to learn and I will be
reading books on things that I want to learn how to do or how to do better.
And I also will take more time to blog and reconnect with my
blogging friends. Because I have learned that blog friends are real. Some of
the only people that I have managed to not loose over the last year were some
amazing blog friends. My girls Laura and Branson have been wonderful about
checking in on me and keeping up on what’s going on. And I truly appreciate
them for that. But I also want to reconnect with some of the other wonderful
women that I have “met” online that I let slide on by because I wasn’t present
But I am back. I will be baking and posting recipes. I will
be talking more about my life, my family, my job…my hopes and dreams. And
sharing photos along the way. I also will be better about visiting other
bloggers and commenting instead of just lurking on their blogs. Its time for me
to start joining in on the conversations and stop just standing in the corner observing
But blogging for me is also a wonderful creative outlet. I
LOVE writing and for me blogging is almost like keeping a journal. It’s a way
for me to get out what I am feel and thinking and share it with others. It is a
way for me to get back to myself…the myself that I love. The one that is happy
and outgoing. The me that is fun and loving. And I miss that part of myself. So
in 2012 I will be working on reconnecting both with my friends but also with
So here’s to 2012!! And the start of Project Reconnect…

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