Friday, December 17, 2010

Yep...I actually made these!

How awesome are they?!?

On Monday of this week I was lucky enough to be invited to a cookie Christmas party...but it wasn't your typical cookie party. It was a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party hosted by the awesome Terri over at Fresh Cut Flours. Seriously, who doesn't love a party that includes cookies, sangria and lots and lots of frosting?

It was so much fun and I got to learn something that I have always wanted to. I picked up some great design tips and techniques along with a super goody-bag that included her recipes for the cookies and buttercream frosting. And I got to decorate and bring home a dozen cookies...I can't wait to try it on my own at home!

Check out her blog for some great photos of cookies!

Happy Friday and hopefully you have all of your shopping done so that you don't have to fight those crowds since it's the last weekend before Christmas!

Smart and Trendy Moms

Friend Finding Fridays


  1. Those look so good they don't even look edible! They look like they should hang as ornaments. :)

  2. Great job!

    Following you from BabyDealsDujour,
    we list all the baby daily deals in real-time. Love to see you on Facebook and
    Twitter too.

  3. Your cookies look awesome! I wish I could bake like that!

    I'm your newest GFC follower (My Boss is Teething,

  4. Totally cute cookies!!Following from the blog hop. Hope you can follow back.
    God Bless,
    < a href="">Finding My Life in Faith< /a>

  5. Nice cookies!! :)

    Following you from Follow Friday! You can catch me at Single Mom Says... or @StagMom on twitter! :)

  6. Those cookies look delicious!
    Stopping by/commenting back from your visit to my blog - Positive Kismet...Thank you!
    I'm now a follower of your blog.
    Have a Happy Holiday Season!

  7. Wow those are some beautiful cookies! Mine that I made at home came nowhere close to those, lol. Great job!


    P.S. Enter my giveaway if you'd like!

  8. Found you through Bloggy Moms! Wow I am so impressed. Even when I attempt to do frosted sugar cookies they still look like a 5 year old did them. At least they still taste good!



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