Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reverb 10 - Day 2

For the month of December I have decided to join in on an online challenge called Reverb 10. The goal of Reverb 10 is a chance for bloggers to "reflect on this year and manifest what's next." I am really excited to join this online initiative as a way for me to help myself to take a closer look at what I have accomplished this past year and mostly as a way for me to set goals for myself for the new year...not only for my blog, but in my personal life. Feel free to check out their website at and join in!

I'm starting Reverb 10 a day late so I'm going to just jump right in with today's subject.

Writing - What do you do each day that doesn't contribute to your writing - and can you eliminate it?

The biggest thing that gets in the way of my writing each day is fear. The fear of hurting others, the fear of too much disclosure and the fear of rejection. Sometimes I have something that I write to go up as a blog post, but it never actually makes it online. It might be a great subject or a controversial subject and my fear of hurting someone always stops me from posting it.

I also find myself struggling with how much of myself and my family that I am willing to put online. It's hard for me and I still need to determine where my line in the sand is on this subject. So, now that I have determined what doesn't contribute to my writing, the question really becomes: how do I eliminate that? And the answer to that question, I think, is not necessarily black and white, but something that I will struggle with as long as I have a blog. Something that I just need to really sit back and look at more closely to determine what this blog is about. Is it something that gets to the meatier subjects with no regard for who I hurt or will it just be all fun and rosy with no darkness? I think that the answer is somewhere in-between those two, but it will be something that will just evolve as I continue to write on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Fear is often an issue for me when I write for other people, too. Not just fear of hurting someone (although there is that), but fear of my ideas not being accepted by my readers. I have an art/personal reflections blog. I write about myself a lot, but I don't write very often about other people. In fact, I don't write about events very often -- or well. I tend to write about my thought processes.

    Good luck finding your line in the sand!


I love all comments and read every one I get. Thank you for taking the time to write one!