Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reverb 10 - Day 24

December 24 Prompt – Everything’s OK: What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?

This year has been a year of healing for me and there have been so many, many moments that I was able to sit back and realize that "everything's OK!" It is such an amazing feeling after being through so much. The amazing moments of going on a family vacation. Finally graduating from college. My son going to preschool.

But the moments when it happens the most are not big events. For me they are the quiet moments. They happen at night when I go in to check on my son when he is asleep and I caress his sweet little face. Or when I am laying outside holding hands with my family on a blanket looking at the stars. They happen when I am alone with nothing but a good book and a glass of wine. Sitting on the couch with my husbands arm around my shoulders watching a movie. 

They happen in the moments that are calm. The ones that are filled with the most love, contentment and the realization that I am living a life better than I ever could have hoped...because it is all OK. This is the life that I was meant to live and I am so very grateful and happy to live it!

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